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Adopt A Street & Adopt a Site

The Town of Spring Lake is currently recruiting businesses, civic groups, churches, families, and other organizations and volunteers for their adopt-a-site, adopt-a-street program. This program encourages citizens, organizations or any engaged group to pick up litter and debris and help with beautification projects for particular sites throughout our town.

“How can I help?”
You or your organization can either sponsor a site by providing the necessary funds for the recognition sign, by agreeing to coordinate the clean up effort at a site or both. The cost for sponsorship is $125.00 for one year. Each site has a requirement of six (6) cleanups per year.

“Why should I get involved?”
You or your organization have the opportunity to:

  1. Improve the Community! A cleaner community will:
    • Bring in more potential home buyers!
    • Increase business traffic and tourism!
    • Deter crime!
  2. Improve a Street or Site near your home or business. By doing this you can potentially add value to your business or home property.
  3. Businesses are given “year around” advertisement from the recognition sign at the adopted location.
  4. Civic clubs are given instant publicity from the sign. Perhaps you will draw additional membership from citizens who did not know about your organization.
  5. Scout groups can qualify this program as a “community service project”.

Get involved today by contacting:

Town Clerk or any member of the Appearance Commission


The Town of Spring Lake • 300 Ruth Street • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Town Hall: (910) 436-0241 • Water Department: (910) 703 – 8912

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