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Happy Flag Day!

Today, June 14th, is a special day in our community… it’s Flag Day! 🎊

Did you know that Flag Day is a federal holiday in the United States that commemorates the adoption of the United States flag on June 14, 1777? 🤔 According to legend, the Continental Congress passed a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be made of thirteen alternate stripes red and white, that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” 🌟

Since then, Flag Day has been celebrated annually to honor the symbol of our country’s freedom and unity. It’s a day to reflect on the history and significance of our nation’s flag, and to proudly display it in our homes, businesses, and public spaces. 🏠🏞️

So, take a moment today to appreciate the sacrifices and bravery of those who have fought to protect our flag and our country. And don’t forget to fly your flag high! 🎈

Happy Flag Day from your community! 🎉


The Town of Spring Lake • 300 Ruth Street • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Town Hall: (910) 605-1634 • Water Department: (910) 703 – 8912

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