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Stormwater Division

The Town of Spring Lake is working to protect our local streams from being damaged by storm water pollution. When it rains, pollutants such as fertilizer, oil, grease and pet waste are picked up from the ground and carried into the nearest storm drain down the street. The storm drains are not connected to a treatment system, so everything that flows down the drain goes directly to the nearest water body.

While citizens, businesses, and industry are working to prevent stormwater pollution, the Town of Spring Lake is busy doing the same. In 2005, we received a Phase II Stormwater permit that requires that we develop and implement a stormwater management program that includes the following measures:

  • Teach citizens and business owners about how they can prevent and reduce stormwater pollution
  • Involve citizens in developing and implementing our local stormwater program
  • Look for and remove unlawful discharges to the stormwater sewer system
  • Regulate new development activities to ensure that they provide appropriate treatment for stormwater before it reaches local waterways
  • Reduce and eliminate pollution resulting from our activities.

Current MS4 Permit

What does the Stormwater Division want to accomplish for Spring Lake?
Polluted storm water runoff is the number one cause of water pollution in North Carolina which creates numerous costs to the public and to wildlife. Spring Lake stormwater has created the Connect the Drops public outreach campaign to provide information on stormwater, pollution, and ways to increase the water quality of the surrounding area. The informational sheet to the right illustrates the type of pollutants that can be collected and deposited into local waterways by stormwater runoff. As always, if you have any questions please call either the Stormwater Administrator or the Water Resources Manager for more information on ways you can help to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff.

*To show our residents and business owners how together we can prevent and reduce our stormwater pollution
*To involve residents in developing and implementing our local stormwater program
*To look for and remove unlawful discharges to the stormwater sewer system
*To regulate any and all new development activities to ensure that they provide the appropriate treatment for our stormwater before it reaches our local waterways
*To reduce and eliminate pollution resulting from our everyday activities

Sept. 26, 2019 :
A message from the Stormwater Association of NC  Click here to watch on YouTube.




Where Does it Come From?
There are many sources of stormwater pollution, including automotive fluids, brake dust, leaves, grass clippings, pet waste, cigarette butts, soil, and garbage. These materials are generated every day and combine to create a sticky, stinky, unhealthy mess that contaminates our local waters.

Where Does it Go?
When it rains, or when water is used, pollutants are picked up from the ground and carried into the nearest storm drain down the street. The storm drains are not connected to a treatment system, so everything that flows down the drain goes directly to the nearest water body, ultimately flowing into the ocean.

How Can it Be Reduced?
From your home:

  • Prevent vehicle fluids such as oil and antifreeze from entering a storm drain by disposing of them properly.
  • Contain spilled fluids immediately with rags or kitty litter. Clean up the spill and dispose of the waste at a hazardous waste collection site.
  • Check your car for leaks and have your car repaired if you find them. Keep your car tuned up.
  • Store hazardous materials properly in the original closed container.
  • Dispose of unwanted chemicals at a household hazardous waste collection center in your area. Never pour hazardous materials into the street, sewer, or storm drain!


  • Conserve water. Don’t overwater your lawn. Adjust sprinklers if water runs into the gutter. Water during cooler times of the day.
  • Keep your gutters swept clear of leaves and grass cuttings.
  • Identify the pests before spraying pesticides. Ask a specialist at your garden center for advice on how to treat for that specific pest.
  • Only buy pesticides you need in the amounts you will use.
  • Use pesticides and fertilizers sparingly and never apply to your lawn or garden if the weather calls for rain.
  • Check at your local garden center for integrated pest management (IPM) methods to minimize chemical use in your garden. Many IPM methods do not even require use of chemical pesticides!
  • Create healthy soil by adding compost that contains organic matter and nutrients.
  • Use drought-resistant native plants that conserve water, which reduces runoff. Use mulch instead of herbicides to prevent weeds from growing and to help absorb water.
  • Pick up trash and litter around your yard.


  • Shop for non-hazardous household cleaning products.
  • If you use water-based paints, rinse paintbrushes in the sink. For oil-based paints, filter and reuse paint thinner. Dispose of thinner through a household hazardous waste program in your area.
  • Keep trash cans closed to prevent animals from scattering trash.
  • Use paints, solvents, and cleaners sparingly, according to the directions. Store properly to avoid spilling.
  • Dispose of drywall, concrete, and mortar in the trash. Don’t rinse concrete or mortar into the street.


  • Sweep up dirt and debris. Hosing off pavement washes pollutants into storm drains, which lead directly to local creeks, bays, and the ocean.
  • If you wash your own car, use a shutoff nozzle on your hose to reduce runoff. Consider pulling your car up onto the lawn to avoid runoff to the storm drain OR take your car to a car wash.
  • If you have a dirt stockpile in your driveway make sure to cover it or move it to the nonpaved areas for use, if it looks like rain.
  • Pick up after your pet. Dispose of pet waste into the trash.
  • Carry a plastic bag when you walk your pet. Nuisance laws prohibit you from allowing your pet’s waste to remain.
  • When treating your pet and yard for fleas or ticks, check with your veterinarian for safe substitutes that will minimize impact to the storm drains and your family. Never dispose of flea dip liquid to the ground or storm drain. It should be disposed as a household hazardous waste.

STORM WATER QUIZ…..how much do you know?

Think you know about stormwater?
The causes of pollution the water system?
Simple everyday items and tasks performed every day which has an impact… do you know?

Take our Stormwater Quiz .…. (answers are available… but don’t cheat…that spoils the fun!)


Become a part of our Stormwater Committee.  Help educate your neighbors on stormwater issues.

To apply to become a member of our Stormwater/Sustainability Committee, please submit your application to the Town Hall offices.

  • Volunteer for an Adopt-a-Stream program or Storm Drain Stenciling Program
  • Teachers and educators are always welcome to contact the Stormwater Technician/Water Resources Manager to speak to your class about fun facts regarding Stormwater.

Art Mural Project

For details on these projects, opportunities, and more, contact the Water Resources Director or Stormwater Administrator.


The Stormwater is just one division of the Water Resources Department.

300 Harps Street
Spring Lake, NC 28390
phone: (910) 985-1793 or 910-985-1802
Spring Lake Town Directory


The Town of Spring Lake • 300 Ruth Street • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Town Hall: (910) 605-1634 • Water Department: (910) 703 – 8912

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